5 Questions To Ask YOUR Vitamin Company
“Caveat Emptor”, latin for “Buyer Beware”.
Due Diligence
Even centuries ago, deceptive marketing practices flourished. Today, it is more important than ever for consumers to be educated, informed, and aware. Before swallowing whatever Vitamin / Mineral / Herbal Supplement comes highly recommended to you, please perform some ‘due diligence’ on your own.
5 Key Questions
When Performing Your ‘Due Diligence’ on Health & Wellness Products, for You and Your Family, Be sure to ask every company/manufacturer/distributor/retailer the Following 5 Questions. Note Their Answers…
1. Peer-Reviewed Studies
What peer-reviewed studies do they have on their product? (Not simply from a library of ones available on the ‘ingredients’ they use.). Original, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled Scientific studies published in “Peer Reviewed” medical journals are the most scrutinized, most validated, most credible sources of research. Not all companies do their own research (it’s expensive), and not all companies point you to research that actually applies to their product specifically.
What impressed me about Shaklee is they have over 100 double-blind, placebo controlled scientific studies published in 90 Peer Reviewed Journals… more than some drug companies! I don’t know of ANY other supplement companies that are even in the same ballpark as Shaklee.
2. Research & Development
How much money does their company spend annually on in-house research, development and clinical studies? Some Vitamin / Mineral / Herbal supplementation companies developed their Marketing Plan FIRST… and Then found a product (line) to sell. These companies often do NOT do their own research, product development, or clinical studies. Find a company that prioritizes Quality and Efficacy, not just profitability.
Shaklee spends over $300,000 annually on R&D and clinical studies. They’ve spent Hundreds of Millions of dollars over the years.
3. Testing
What tests do they do on their raw ingredients in-house to ensure they are free from any trace of pesticides, herbicides and other toxins How does your supplement manufacturer Insure their raw materials are proven free of toxins? Do they even know, for sure, their raw materials are Organic? How? Do they take the supplier’s Word for it? Do they rely on a government stamp? or do they do their own chemical testing of each and every batch of raw material entering their manufacturing process?
The Shaklee Difference: Shaklee performs some 358 tests on Every organic raw material to insure there is no pesticide, herbicide, or other toxic residue present. Tests that others either cannot, or will not, do
4. Quality Control
Do they test their products before AND after manufacture to ensure quality control? Is it enough to simply test the raw materials that come Into a plant? What if the manufacturing process itself adds toxins, or heavy metals, to the mix? Unless a manufacturer samples and tests every batch, at every step along the way, up to and including packaging for shipment… how do they really Know they’ve not Added any toxic substances to what they’re selling?
What Makes Shaklee Unique? Shaklee performs over 83,000 quality control tests per year. That’s on Every Batch of every product (349 tests on Vita-Lea alone) from acquisition, through processing and every step of production, all the way to final packaging. Even Organically sourced products can acquire toxins, heavy metals, or petrol-chemicals during processing. Most companies who claim “Organic” never insure (to themselves) it stays Organic all the way to the consumer. This includes packaging. Is their plastic container free of toxins that could leach into the finished product? Shaklee products are phthalate-free, PBA-free, and most all containers are 100% recyclable.
5. Who actually Makes their product?
Who creates the formulas for their product and how long does it take from inception to manufacture? Some companies do not actually MAKE their own supplements. They lack the facilities, resources, and commitment to such business practices. Instead, they’ll purchase batches from wholesale manufacturers who will slap the seller’s name on it. These providers give the impression they have a unique product when in fact, it is a generic, mass-produced, rebranded supplement identical to other brands (selling for different amounts) even on the same shelf.
Shaklee employs a full time staff of over 100 scientists who research, create, formulate, and test each and every product extensively in-house, before it ever reaches the hands of the consumer. Most companies simply purchase a batch from a wholesale source and slap their name on it. Shaklee never rides the wave of a ‘fad’. It takes it’s time before launching ANY product, and has a noble history of removing popular products from sale when pure raw material sources cannot be obtained, simply because their business model is based on the golden rule. Again, I don’t know of ANY other company that maintains that level of integrity in this field.
People Ask What Anne and I Choose for Nutritional Supplementation
As you may know, Anne has been managing debilitating chronic illness for over 3 decades, and I for almost 2. During our respective health journeys, we each have explored the advantages, limitations, and pitfalls of Nutritional Supplementation. We’ve spent thousands and thousands of dollars on unverified supplements that have shown us no appreciable results and never any money-back guarantee.
It is easy for anyone to become discouraged, negative, even cynical… especially those seriously battling illness and/or striving for their optimal wellness. We’ve been there. What changed our minds was when a friend introduced us to Shaklee Research and Manufacturing Corporation. The more we’ve learned over the years, and the more experience we have with this company and its products, the more we TRUST Shaklee.
Here is some background information for you to compare and contrast Shaklee with the supplement provider you’re researching. Choose Well!
To Learn More about Anne and Jeffrey, our Health & Wellness Journey, and how we’re building a new financial future helping others reach their best Health:
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