Be the Light
The Lighthouse has long been a symbol of guidance. It’s purpose is to serve as a reliable navigation beacon helping maritime traffic find its own way through treacherous waters. A lighthouse does not discriminate… it wants all ships to travel safely.
The Lighthouse bears no direct responsibility for any given vessel’s fate. The Lighthouse keeper does not travel out and directly steer the boat around obstacles, that is a pilot’s job. The Lighthouse keeper, neither, determines the ultimate destination, or conditions of a passing craft. It is not his/her job to actively convince boats which way to go, or at what speed.
A Lighthouse keeper’s duty is to maintain the watchtower’s ray of light that cuts through the dark night of uncertainty. This gleaming signal offers assurance, and a point of reference, that navigators of international waters, can recognize and utilize on their own journey.
Over time, the process of maintaining a lighthouse has evolved. What used to be a manually intensive, often dangerous, operation (e.g. the acquisition, storage, ascension, and illumination of various fuels), can now be accomplished with electricity and the ease of modern technology. Clean glass, however, still requires elbow grease.
Why go into all this? Besides living on an island with a beautifully maintained working Lighthouse, this analogy becomes a very good explanation of what we do for our Online Livelihood. We have found a way to stay in one place, of our choosing, and guide others, from wherever they are, towards improving their lives. We only collaborate with those truly invested in making life changes. People come into our sphere of illumination for a reason, a season, and a lifetime.
This Web Log (Blog) is intended as a way to:
(1) Raise awareness of simple choices we make everyday. When we know better, we do better.
(2) Offer a simple invitation (online link) that can empower you on your own journey, whatever that is.
(3) And, upon your request, Guide and Teach — those truly motivated — to strive for their best Health, Wellness, and Security.
As there is no tariff on a lighthouse keeper’s light, so there is no cost to come with us through an online guided tour. We’ll keep shining our light. There is Hope in sharing Light. There is fulfillment in making a positive difference in people’s lives, and yes, there is reward for helping others reach their goals.
Thank you for letting us brighten your world.
” In the midst of darkness, light persists.” Mahatma Gandhi
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