The Best Way to Control Your Future
Freedom is Choice. Wealth creates more choices than Poverty.
More Income, More Free Choice. No problem, work harder, right?
There has been an erosion of economic power of the middle class in the United States since the 1980’s. The wealth of the richest country ever has shifted from the masses up towards the richest of the rich. What does this look like in most of our lives? Longer hours for less pay. Most families can no longer survive with just one wage earner. Good full time jobs have disappeared and low-wage part-time employment has become the norm. People often must hold down 2 or more part-time jobs just to make ends meet. It is sad but true, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
I do not intend to provoke a political debate about why this is or who’s to blame. Politically slanted comments will be deleted. Complaining/blaming isn’t going to fix it.
Here is where we offer one solution that can work for everyone, regardless of politics. The world has enough problems, and enough complainers. But our world does not have enough problem solvers. Anne and I choose to be problem solvers.
Non-income producing Distractions of all types have become our collective nemesis. What we choose to ‘consume’ with our brains (News, “reality TV”, computer games, social media, texting, or a thousand other activities) now dominate more of our attention and whatever ‘free time’ remains. American citizens have become transfixed like a tourist watching a street performer while getting their pocket picked.
Every day, people are feeling more and more disempowered.
Most Americans hold onto the same, traditional, dream paradigms: Raise a family, own a home, work hard, live well, and leave our children better off than we were. However, managing our lives towards these goals with increasingly limited access to even more finite resources available to us, causes tremendous stress. How we cope with that stress is as unique to each person as there are individuals. How society copes with this collective stress can be seen through everything from the obesity epidemic to increased drug abuse (e.g. alcoholism or opioid addiction). Poor coping choices can, and do, lead to increases in death, disease, and chronic conditions of all sorts… which, fortunately, there is a “health care” industry to provide a pill, or tonic, to mitigate our symptoms without ever addressing the root cause(s) of our dis-ease.
To help ourselves/our families/others, we are going to have to become the income generators of this century. How do we do this when the old ways no longer seem to be effective? There are only 24 hours in a day. How many jobs can a person work? Should our entire lives be about work? Do we need to compromise our values, morals, or ethics to earn more? Or, Resign ourselves to fight with each other over increasingly scarce scraps? Do we need to go into even more debt to find a workable solution? Absolutely Not! Debt is part of the problem, not the solution.
Every movement for positive social change begins with one person, and an idea. For my life to change, it must begin with me. For your life to change, it must begin with you. For all of our lives to change, we must care more for each other, and learn to profit from truly helping each other instead of hurting each other. All boats are lifted on a rising tide. Fortunately, we don’t have to invent a new idea, someone has already done that for us! We just need to give ourselves a chance to discover it. Don’t worry, we’d never ask you to be dishonest or pushy. We believe in the “Golden Rule”.
Here’s where Your Freedom Project Begins.
It begins with Choice. All change starts with the smallest, simplest, choices we make every day. How can making small, but different, choices in our daily lives re-empower us to build better health, or a self-sustaining financial future?
Choosing a new source of information to learn from. Perhaps a source based on real substance, instead of the empty calorie ‘fast food’ media we’ve been consuming? An open mind is a terrible thing to waste. We do ourselves a dis-service when we let others set our expectations of ourselves for their own profit. Entire industries are formed that appear to solve some ‘problem’ we have. Sometimes, those ‘problems’ are in fact, manufactured.
So, What do we actually have total control over in our lives? As consumers, we control what we buy, when we buy it, why we buy it, and whether we’ll ever buy it again. Of course it takes money (or trade) to acquire consumer goods. Money comes from income.
Make a list of everything you buy in a month. Don’t change anything yet. Just jot down, beside each item, why you buy it. Is it is to ‘clean’ something, to ‘feel’ better, to ‘cure’ something, because you ‘need’ to, or just because you ‘like’ it? Next to that, note how much it costs you. Add up the “why’s” and the costs to see what is important to you day in and day out, and where you’re hard-earned money is going. Just notice.
Now, Imagine one person changing one product choice every day. That can actually change a life. Replacing soda with herbal tea can help the body better regulate blood sugar. Replacing cases of bottled water by using one refillable bottle and a tap water filter pitcher, helps keep plastic waste out of our environment. Imagine how 10, 100, or even 1000 people can change their world by making simple changes like these?
We do not specialize in “selling”, and would not ask you to become a salesperson. (Not that there’s anything wrong with selling as a profession. My Dad took pride in excelling as an ethical salesperson his whole adult life and raised 4 children with his wife of 37 years in comfort and without much to want for.). Our focus is on free education. We share our experiences, what we’ve learned, and what we are learning. If something rings true for you, inquire more. If not, no problem, stay tuned to see what we talk about next.
Like a Lighthouse guides ships at sea, we guide motivated people on a safer journey. Our passion is teaching others how to change their own lives first, and how you can actually Get Paid by your efforts that help other’s change their lives too. In fact, no one makes any real money in our industry unless, and until, they get passionate about helping others. The future belongs to those Healthy, and Wealthy, enough to choose a better world.
Your future tomorrow will be based on the little choices you make Today… and every day, going forward.
Our Guidance begins HERE
See you online!
Anne + Jeffrey
While Poverty exists, there is no true freedom ~ Nelson Mandela
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